Yesterday around 4:34p MDT a huge explosion shook all of Tequila, Jalisco. I was laying on a couch on Calle Hidalgo when a loud noise made me shoot straight up.
Almost immediately a friend called me. I asked him if he heard the sound. He told me what he had seen while running an errand. A big metal piece flying in the sky.

Photos by Tequila en Linea
Today on National Tequila Day, while others drink, the town mourns. So far there have been 5 casualties. Supposedly what caused the explosion was workers soldering too closely to a tequila tank. Sending it flying 100 meters away.
I only saw a few factory directly address the incident, not even specifically the one responsible for this tragedy. This was directly related to the overconsumption of tequila, as are so many awful things that directly impact this community and who pays the price? The townspeople.

Update: As of Thursday July 25 at 11:11p they have made a statement.